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Wednesday September 29th at 10:00 am (CST)
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Center Stage with Bob Kobielush

by Steve Altick

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It was a simple question; just a way to start the conversation, but the answer was profound. In typical Bob Kobielush style, he took my question to a deeper level. “What are one or two of your greatest memories of your time at CCCA?” I asked. “I can’t take 35 years and compress it into a few moments. A person should not be confined or defined by one or two memories.” Bob replied.


OK. Was there an experience that was particularly satisfying about at CCI that might sum up your 35 years?

“Well, don’t take this wrong.” Bob responded. “But it was driving away. As I left the office for the last time as the CEO and director, I thanked the Lord that I could leave the organization with a strong foundation for the future.” Bob paused and went on. “With the help of a great staff, the strength of a wise board, and the support of my unbelievable wife, JoAnn, we were able to provide a stable platform for the long-term success of CCCA”.


“What did that look like? What created that stability?”

“Again, I can’t boil it down too far. There were so many things and so many people” Bob went on. “Moving the office to Colorado Springs from Wheaton. From renting to owning. That was big. We had no debt and money in the bank. We developed internal administrative systems and put together a diverse package of programs, products and services.”


“What was one program, product or service that stands out to you?”

“I hate to narrow it down because there were so many positive events. But the LDIs seemed to help a lot of people.” Bob went on. “The quality of presenters, and the level of participation created excellent dialogue and discussion that helped camps throughout the association.”


It has been over 10 years since you retired from CCCA. What are you doing now? What keeps you busy?

“I helped JoAnn with her business for several years. But a big part of our lives was attending to the needs of our parents during the last years of their lives. I ended up with my mother’s home – my boyhood home in northern Wisconsin. We are now splitting time between Colorado Springs and Wisconsin. I’m having fun; staying busy fixing the old farmhouse, mowing the lawn, and chopping firewood.”


“JoAnn and I have been married 52 years. She retired a year ago. The kids are all doing well. We have five grandkids, and they are all growing up fast. We hope to eventually move to Wisconsin fulltime.”


“35 years is impossible to capture in a few comments. Those years were rich, painful, joyful, and rewarding. Too much to put into a few words. But great to have been a part of this for many many years.”

Bob, thank you for your wisdom and service in furthering the ministry of Christian camping!

Did you know?

Christian Camping International traces its beginnings to a meeting of 13 camp / conference centre directors at Mount Hermon Conference Centre in California in November 1950. They were called together by Dr. Fulton Lytle, the host, and Dr. Walter Warkentin and Graham Tinning to discuss mutual concerns for Christ-centred camping.

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