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Your Own Story

Dan Bolin

Nº 217

weekly devotions to refresh your soul by Dr. Dan Bolin - September 27, 2022

I am not what I might be, I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I wish to be, I am not what I hope to be. But I thank God I am not what I once was, and I can say with the great apostle, “By the grace of God I am what I am." - John Newton

Paul and Peter were twin pillars in the early Church yet their pathways to spiritual maturity followed very different routes.

Paul mercilessly persecuted the Church and even participated in the murder of Stephen. Then his life abruptly changed direction. On the road to Damascus, God crashed into his life, and things were never the same. He spent time alone with God in the Arabian desert, interacted with many leaders of the young Church, and was mentored by Barnabas. His pivot-point was a dramatic moment of significant change.

Peter experienced a defining encounter with Jesus and became His follower. He talked too much, made brash statements, and struggled with pride. After Peter’s initial commitment to follow Christ, his developmental process took a long time. But little by little, God worked on Peter, smoothing off many rough edges.

Years later, Paul the former persecutor said, “Let all that you do be done in love.” (I Corinthians 16:14) After several decades of stumbling forward, proud Peter commanded, “Humble yourselves. . .under the mighty hand of God.” (I Peter 5:6a)

After an encounter with Christ, everyone’s pathway to spiritual maturity is different. Whatever course God has for you, patiently allow Him to transform your weaknesses into strengths.

Dan Bolin President Refueling in Flight Ministries, Inc

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Refueling in Flight Ministries exists to encourage, assist, and connect Christian ministry leaders, especially camping leaders, in the United States and around the world. This is done through: Writing - weekly devotions, periodic blogs, and books. Teaching - in academic settings, professional training events, and churches. Connecting - through CEO Dialogues, international partnerships, and retreats.

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