Surviving the Storm

Nº 215
weekly devotions to refresh your soul by Dr. Dan Bolin - September 13, 2022
It is often so with us; when the winds are out and the storms are raging there is plenty of fear, but there is no danger. We may be much tossed, but we are quite safe, for we have an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast, which will not start. One blessed thing is that our hope has such a grip of us that we know it. In a vessel you feel the pull of the anchor, and the more the wind rages the more you feel that the anchor holds you. Like the boy with his kite: the kite is up in the clouds, where he cannot see it, but he knows it is there, for he feels it pull; so our good hope has gone up to heaven, and it is pulling and drawing us towards itself. - Charles Spurgeon
This week I’m fly fishing with 18 friends in Colorado. The setting is beautiful, the trout are biting, and the fellowship is rich. Each morning and evening we take time to reflect on Storms in the Bible and Storms in our Lives.
One storm we are considering blew into Elijah’s life. Yes, even heroes like Elijah face disappointment and despair. (See I Kings 18:16-19:9a)
A painful 40-day journey took him to a lonely cave on a desolate mountain. In a brief conversation with God, Elijah presented his case, “I’ve done everything right, the world is a mess, I’m the only good guy left, and people want to kill me!” (I Kings 19:10, paraphrased)
In response, God sent a windstorm, earthquake, and fire. After repeating their earlier conversation, God gave Elijah three directives and one reminder.
Go back the way you came. Return and face your fears.
Appoint two new kings. Significant work awaits.
Mentor your replacement, Elisha. Replicate yourself through deep relationships.
You are not alone. 7,000 people remain loyal to me.
Despite our storms, God has plans for all of us. Face your fears. Do great things. Invest in others. And connect with God’s people who will provide the strength and encouragement you need.
Dan Bolin President Refueling in Flight Ministries, Inc