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Remember and Return

Dan Bolin

I checked my pockets, looked in the usual hiding places, and asked Cay (a good woman who can find) for help locating my missing credit card.

I checked online and saw no unusual activity. But there was a charge earlier in the day at our local grocery store. Remembering the transaction, I returned to the store and retraced my steps. Eventually I backtracked to Customer Service and a representative produced the missing card.

What a relief!

Remembering and returning produced the result I needed. Remembering and returning are the two strategies the Apostle John used to remind the Ephesians how to reestablish their relationship with God when it went missing. John records, “You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.” (Revelation 2:4b-5a)

The Ephesians were doing many things well, but they had lost (forsaken) their first love. Work, family, friends, ministry – probably some good thing – had displaced the primacy of their love for Christ. It happens to all of us and the solution remains the same.

Remember who God is and what he has done. Then return and recommit to Him in fresh and deeper ways.  

Dan Bolin


Refueling in Flight Ministries, Inc

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105 N. Main Street, Suite 211

Culpeper, VA 22701


Refueling in Flight Ministries exists to encourage, assist, and connect Christian ministry leaders, especially camping leaders, in the United States and around the world. This is done through: Writing - weekly devotions, periodic blogs, and books. Teaching - in academic settings, professional training events, and churches. Connecting - through CEO Dialogues, international partnerships, and retreats.

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