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Dan Bolin

Nº 203

weekly devotions to refresh your soul by Dr. Dan Bolin - June 21, 2022

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. - Helen Keller

Every 10 years the small German town of Oberammergau honors a vow made in 1634 and hosts a magnificent passion play. Over 2,000 locals participate as actors, singers, musicians, and technicians.

As a boy I was intrigued by the history of Oberammergau. The Bubonic Plague swept through Europe in 1633-34. Legend claims a traveler brought the disease to the small mountain town and locals began to fall ill and die. The people bargained with God: if He would cure and protect them, they would host a passion play every 10 years. The story claims that no one else became ill, and those infected recovered. For almost 400 years, through good days and bad, the townspeople have honored their ancestor’s vow.

Unfortunately, the event was postponed from 2020 to 2022 due to our own pandemic. But last Sunday I crossed Oberammergau off my bucket list! It was incredible and inspiring.

The fidelity of Oberammergau is one we should all admire and take to heart. David begins Psalm 15 with the question, “Who may dwell in your sanctuary?" One of the answers given is, “...who keeps his oath, even when it hurts.” (Psalm 15:1a, 4b).

Like Oberammergau, let us faithfully fulfill our commitments, even when it hurts.

Dan Bolin President Refueling in Flight Ministries, Inc

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Refueling in Flight Ministries exists to encourage, assist, and connect Christian ministry leaders, especially camping leaders, in the United States and around the world. This is done through: Writing - weekly devotions, periodic blogs, and books. Teaching - in academic settings, professional training events, and churches. Connecting - through CEO Dialogues, international partnerships, and retreats.

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