
God does not give us everything we want, but he does fulfill his promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to himself. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Twenty years ago, my friend wrote letters, talked to neighbors, spoke at public forums, and lobbied political leaders fighting a proposed park adjacent to his home – all to no avail. The project that he fought against became reality.
Today, the new pond, baseball and soccer fields, playgrounds, basketball courts, picnic areas, and exercise stations are enjoyed by thousands. Each week my friend walks miles of asphalt trails, explores the nature preserve, and looks for exotic birds. He also admitted that the value of his house has increased significantly due to the park.
What he fought so hard to prevent became a blessing for him and so many more.
Too often, like my friend, we struggle against the plans that God has for us. What we see is limited and blurred by our pain and nearsightedness.
Jeremiah sent a letter to the despairing people uprooted from Israel and exiled to Babylon. His prophetic message was, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
Trust God. His plan – unclear and painful at times – will always include hope and an eternal future.
Dan Bolin
Author & President
Refueling in Flight Ministries, Inc