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Dan Bolin


We have no choice in being an example of some kind and having an impact on those around us, but we do have a choice in the kind of witness and impact we provide. 

- J. Hampton Keathley, III

One of life’s great joys is spending time with our 18-month old grandson. A few weeks ago, my wife was sitting with him on a couch. She put her head back on a pillow and said, “Let’s chill.”

After a quizzical look, our grandson giggles and threw his head back into a mound of pillows. And that’s how it started. Now, Let’s Chill is a regular part of our entertainment routine. Cay sits with him on the couch, says, “Let’s chill,” puts her head back, and he follows suit. He then sits up and says, “More, more!” Who could resist?

Children are looking for examples – role models to follow. The world provides new adventures every day filled with wonder and excitement but also filled with threats and danger. Having a role model is important but having the right role model is critical.

The Corinthian church was filled with baby Christians who desperately needed to grow in their faith. To help them develop well, Paul told them, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1)

Little (and big) eyes are watching. Strive to live a life that is worthy of imitation. And be very cautious of whom you follow. 

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